13th anniv of Aug 21 grenade attack today


The 13th anniversary of the gruesome August 21 grenade attack on an Awami League rally will be observed in a somber mood on Monday.
Awami League and its associate bodies will observe the day across the country through various programmes including rallies, discussions and special prayers, doa and milad mahfil.
On this day in 2004, the grisly grenade attack was carried out on an anti-terrorism rally arranged by Awami League at Banbabandhu Avenue in the city during the rule of BNP- Jamaat alliance government.
The main target of the heinous attack was current Prime Minister and then opposition leader and daughter of Bangabandhu Sheikh Hasina.
At least 24 leaders and activists, including Awami League women affairs secretary and late president Zillur Rahman’s wife Ivy Rahman, were killed and 300 others injured in the grenade attack.
However, Sheikh Hasina fortunately escaped the attack unhurt but her hearing was affected badly.
At least 13 grenades were thrown from the rooftops of a nearby building soon after Sheikh Hasina had finished her speech at the rally.
Meanwhile, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages on the occasion.
In his message, the President said August 21 is a black day in the history of the Bangalee nation and democratic march of Bangladesh.
“The main aim of the attack was to halt the country’s democratic process by making Bangladesh and Awami League leaderless, and establish militancy in the country. But the people of Bangladesh didn’t allow it to happen and wouldn’t do it either in the future,” he said.
In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, “I hope the people of the country will get united to build a peaceful homeland and maintain a terrorist-free democratic political environment turning the grief of August 21 into strength.”
“This day I hope that the country will be free from killing, terrorism and militancy through fair trial of the attackers, plotters, and instigators of August 21 attack,” she added.
