13 BNP-Jamaat activists detained

Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong city and district police in a series of drives picked up 13 Jamaat-e-Islami and BNP activists from port city and two upazila of the district for their alleged links with blockade violence on Tuesday night.
Naimul Hasan, Additional Superintendent of Police (Special Branch) of Chittagong district said police detained nine activists in overnight raids at various places of Satkhania, Sitakunda and Lohagara Upazilas on Tuesday night to prevent possible acts of sabotage during country-wide blockade enforced by BNP-led 20 party alliances.
CMP police also detained four hartal supporters from separate area in the city today. They are accused vandalism, arson, and firebombing of vehicles committed during an ongoing transport blockade and shutdowns, the official said.
Among the detainees, three were BNP activists, five Chhatra Shibir activists and three Jamaat activists, the police officer added.
They face charges in various cases filed over blockade violence.