12 injured in Sherpur AL infighting


UNB, Sherpur :
At least 12 people were injured in a clash between two groups of Awami League activists during a meeting to choose party candidate for the upcoming upazila polls in the headquarters of Nalitabari on Saturday noon.
Police and party sources said a meeting of the grass roots level workers of the ruling party was convened at the Upazila Public Hall Auditorium at noon to pick the party candidate for the upazila polls.
At one stage, the supporters of upazila Awami League president Abdul Halim Ukil and general secretary Moksedur Rahman Lebu engaged in the clash over picking the party contender.
A chase and counter-chase took place during the melee that left 10 people injured from the both groups.
On information, police rushed in and tried to bring the situation under control.
However, the feuding groups pelted the law enforcers with brick chips, leaving sub-inspector Khokan and ASI Ram Prasad injured. Later, police brought the situation under control firing eight rounds of gunshots.
