10 minute school introduces debate tutorials

City Desk :
10 Minute School, an initiative of mobile phone operator Robi, for the first time in Bangladesh introduced comprehensive debate tutorials at school and university level.
The tutorials can be found in the skill development section on the website (www.10minuteschool.com), said a press release on Thursday.
The video tutorials start from the very fundamentals of debating: What is Parliamentary Debate? What is a point of privilege? What is a point of order? Anyone who has always wanted to learn how to debate but did not know where to begin, or could not get the required help they needed, can find in these tutorials everything they need to know, starting from the very basics to the very complex.
In addition to that, these videos will help even seasoned debaters to brush up their skills, no matter where they currently stand on the learning curve.
Debating clubs across the country can use these videos as training tools for the new and old members of the club. New videos are added every month to keep the learners updated on the present day intricacies of debating strategies.
The Bengali debate segment currently covers the debate tutorials on rules of parliamentary debating. The Bengali debate lectures start from an introductory class on parliamentary debates and cover everything from motions to the numerous points used in the format.
Under the British Parliamentary Debate segment, students will find lectures covering topics of the British Parliamentary Debates starting from very straightforward ones like the various motions used in the format to the more complex rules of Knifing.