10 containers consignment seized in Ctg Port


Chittagong Bureau :
Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate Officers of Chittagong Port has seized 10 containers plastic raw materials at port shed on Wednesday.
These raw materials for plastic industries were imported from Taiwan through submitting false import documents. An importer of Dhaka imported these materials and the present market price of the raw materials estimated at Tk.3 cr.
The customs intelligence officials told that these containers will be checked physically at CCT Yard of the port. Faiz & Company of Dhaka imported 220 metric tons plastic raw material(resin) in 19 containers from Taiwan. The consignment was shipped from Taiwan port onDecember 15 last.
Acting onsecret tip-off , customs intelligence detained the container and suspended release process of the consignment. Customs Intelligence officer Nahid Nowshad told this reporter that the representative of the importer submitted false import documents to release the consignment. He also said there is no C&F agent for the Importer.
On the other hand the importer denied import of raw materials from Taiwan and some one used their name and submit the false import document in favour of them, sources said.
