Holy Ramzan: Zikrullah

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
‘Zikr’ means ‘remembrance’. ‘Zikrullah’ is ‘remembrance of Allah’. It is a great spiritual virtue and has special importance, significance and merit in the month of Ramzan. Roza opens the door of continuous remembrance of Allah, Who ordained fasting for our mental and physical, worldly welfare, emancipation and unworldly Salvation. Regular
 ‘Zikr-e-Ilahi’ can enable one to attain spiritual heights, on which the Sufis stress. ‘Zikrullah’ in words is ‘Allahu’, ‘Allahu’ and other names and Attributes of Allah, while ‘Zikrullah’ in thinking and activities is meditation on Allah and realisation of Allah’s Will.
Zikr (remembrance) of Allah is part of Ibadat (worship). It has been ordained in different verses in the Holy Quran. In Ramzan, it is of special importance.
The Holy Quran reveals :
“Then do ye remember/ Me; I will remember/ You. Be grateful to Me,/And reject not Faith.” (Sura Baqara 2: Ayat 152, The Holy Quran Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali.)
“And do thou (O reader!) /Bring thy Lord to remembrance /In thy (very) soul, /With humility and in reverence, /Without loudness in words, /In the mornings and evenings; /And be not thou/ Of those who are unheedful.” (Sura A’raf 7 : Ayat 205, Do.)
“Those who believe, and whose hearts/ Find satisfaction in the remembrance/ Of God for without doubt/ In the remembrance of God /Do hearts find satisfaction”. (Sura Ra’d 13 : Ayat 28, Do)
” … And remembrance of God /Is the greatest (thing in life)/ Without doubt. /And God knows /The (deeds) that ye do”.(Sura ‘Ankabut 29 : Ayat 45, Do.)
There are other verses on remembrance of Allah and His praises.
Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra) narrated a Hadith from the last Prophet of Islam : He said, “Allah says, that I do, what devotee thinks about Me. And when He remembers Me, I be with him. And if he remembers Me in any gatheirng, I remember in such assemblage, which is better than that (meaning meeting with the angels).” (Bukhari and Muslim Sharif)
Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra) also narrated : Rasulullah (Sm) said, “There is a group of the angels of Allah, who go on searching the people in the streets who remember Allah … ” (Bukhari and Muslim Sharif)
This is a detailed Hadith, which concludes that those who are related with the remembrance of Allah, are not deprived of the Blessings, Mercy and Salvation from Allah.
Zabir (Ra) narrated : He says, “I have heard the Prophet (Sm) saying : The greatest Zikr is La Ilaha Illallah-/There is none worthy of worship except Allah.” (Tirmizee Sharif)
Hazrat Abu Musa (Ra) quoted Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) to have said, “The person who remembers his Lord and the person who does not remember, their example is like the living and the dead”. (Bukhari and Muslim Sharif)