Zia shares 2nd slot after 4th round in Mayor Int’l Chess


GM Ziaur Rahman of Dhaka Mohammedan Sporting Club Limited is sharing the 2nd position in the points table with 3.5 points along with other 8 players after the 4th round games of the 8th Mumbai Mayor’s Cup International Open Chess Tournament now being held in Mumbai in India.
GM Enamul Hossain Razib of Bangladesh Navy earned 2.5 points, GM Abdullah Al Rakib of Bangladesh Navy earned 2 points, Kazi Mahbub Afzal of Dabanal Chess Club and M Abul Kashem of Dhaka Chess Club earned 1 point each.
In the 4th round games were held Thursday, Zia split points with Mikheil Mchedlishvili of Georgia, Razib lost to GM Pantsulaia Levan of Georgia, Rakib split points with Phadke Sohan of India, Kashem beat Sanjeev Pitale of India and Afzal lost to Saurabh Anand of India.
