Zelenskyy says Ukraine losing 60-100 service members daily


News Desk :
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine is losing between 60 and 100 service members daily as fighting in the Donbas intensifies.
“The most difficult situation is in the east of Ukraine and southern Donetsk and Luhansk,” he said in a late-night interview with Newsmax Tuesday, reports Yahoo News.
“The situation is very difficult,” he continued. “We’re losing 60-100 soldiers per day as killed in action and something around 500 people as wounded in action.”
Zelenskyy said Ukrainian forces were “holding” the “defensive perimeters” but reports Wednesday suggested Russia was continuing to make gradual gains in the brutally contested city of Sievierodonetsk.
If Russian forces are able to capture the city, this would give Moscow complete control over the Luhansk region and would allow it to more easily push its forces west into north Donetsk and potentially beyond.
The U.K.’s defense ministry said Wednesday that “Russian ground operations remain tightly focused” in Luhansk with significant firepower concentrated in the streets of Sievierodonetsk.
The ministry said Russian troops were “pushing closer to the town center” and assessed they had gained control over half of the city.
Sievierodonetsk has become the site of one of the most fierce ground assaults in Ukraine since the war began with the infamous Chechen fighters believed to have joined the fight there – prompting some to be concerned Ukraine could see a repeat of the brutality that was carried out in Mariupol.
Zelenskyy said Tuesday that the situation in eastern Ukraine was challenging because forces there lacked adequate weaponry.
“In the east, it is difficult for us because of the lack of appropriate weapons,” he told reporters from Kyiv.
Zelenskyy said he plans to de-occupy all areas that legally belong to Ukraine, but said he would not rush this at the cost of Ukrainian lives.
“If our steps or operations to de-occupy this or that region cost tens of thousands of [Ukrainian lives], we will wait for appropriate weapons to save as many of our people as possible,” he said. “These territories without living Ukrainians are not a priority for us.”
The German government reduced its military support for Ukraine to a minimum over the past nine weeks, Welt am Sonntag reported.
Russia’s opposition leader Alexei Navalny said Tuesday that he is facing new criminal accusations that could extend his current nine-year prison term. Navalny said on Instagram that an investigator visited him in prison to declare that the authorities have opened a new investigation against him on charges of “creating an extremist group to fan hatred against officials and oligarchs” and trying to stage unsanctioned rallies.
