Zafar Iqbal asks youths to engage in sports to avoid virtual world


Professor Muhammed Zafar Iqbal on Saturday said that the youth should engage in different physical exercises and sports to refrain from the negative sides of virtual world.
“Youth is the best period of human life …Students should pass their time in playing football and cricket instead of using Facebook or other virtual media,” he said while addressing a seminar as chief guest at Bishwo Shahitto Kendro auditorium in the city.
Access to Information (a2i) , a UNDP and USAID-supported access to information programme, and Bishwo Shahitto Kendro jointly organized the seminar titled “Role of Student’s Portal in achieving 21st Century Skills” in associate with ICT Division, USAID and UNDP aiming to build ‘Digital Bangladesh’ through online portal “Kishor Batayan”.
Kishore Batayan is a digital platform where online opportunities are available for the students. In this virtual portal, students can read online books, comics and blogs, watch movies and build a communication network among them.
