Youths urged to engage in more freelancing for self-employment

City Desk :
Speakers at a seminar urged the youths to engage themselves in more and more freelancing for their self-employment besides earning foreign currencies. They also urged them to develop their skill and efficiency in this regard as there is no alternative to quality product and nice presentation to attract buyers. Any person would be able to earn foreign currency by getting training on online outsourcing issues as many trained youths are earning handsome amount from the outsourcing sector.
They said this yesterday while addressing a seminar titled “Self-employment through Freelancing” held at conference hall of Deputy Commissioner in Rajshahi.
Learning and Earning Development Project (LEDP) under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division organized the seminar in order to share ideas among youths on how they become competent freelancer.
Deputy Commissioner Helal Mahmud Sharif addressed the seminar as chief guest while LEDP Director Ali Ashraf conducted the programme as focal person.
Deputy Director of Local Government Division Dr Dewan Shahriar Firoj, Additional District Magistrate Subrata Kumar Paul and Deputy Director of District Information Office Md Shamsuzzaman also spoke.
The speakers mentioned that the youth forces should come forward towards attaining IT knowledge to earn money from online outsourcing for becoming themselves as competent workforce.
Chief Guest Helal Mmahmud says the government is extending all-out supports to impart IT literacy to students so that they can earn foreign currencies through freelancing.
“Freelancing is an extremely prospective sector worldwide and now it is getting popularity in our country,” he said adding that the youths should come forward to avail the opportunity.
Freelance jobs in software development, customer service, data entry, writing, editing, blogging, accounting, mobile apps development, web development, search engine optimisation, graphic design and translations are all there for the taking.
More than 100 persons comprising IT experts, freelancers and scouts attended the seminar.