Youth’s engagement in dev process a must to achieve SDGs: Rizvi

Dr Gowher Rizvi , Advisor to the Prime Minister on International Relation Affairs was present as Chief Guest at the Youth Conference -2018 organised by Citizen's Platform for SDGs at Krishibid Institution Auditorium yesterday.
Dr Gowher Rizvi , Advisor to the Prime Minister on International Relation Affairs was present as Chief Guest at the Youth Conference -2018 organised by Citizen's Platform for SDGs at Krishibid Institution Auditorium yesterday.

Prime Minister’s International Affairs Adviser Dr Gowher Rizvi on Sunday said that the inclusion of youth in the development process is a must to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“We have achieved Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and hope that we will also be able to achieve the SDGs too. But the young generation has to pay a vital role to achieve this,” he said.
He was addressing a programme titled “Youth Conference 2018: Bangladesh and Agenda 2030-Aspirations of the Youth” at Krishibid Institute Bangladesh in the city as the chief guest.
The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh organised the conference aims to aware the youth about their role in implementing the SDGs.
