Youth stabbed to death


Chittagong Bureau :
One youth named Kiron Mahazon was stabbed to death in Raozan upazila of Chittagong on Wednesday night.
 Kiron Mahazon is a gold trader hails from Banikpara under Dabua Union under Raozaan unpazila. Kiron Mahazon was stabbed by his cousin over the disputes of land properties. Raozan thana officer in-charge Pradip Kumar Das told that over the prolong land disputes between his cousin Bishu Mahajan , altercation and scuffle between them occurred on night of Tuesday . At one stage Bishu Mahajan being agitated stabed Kiron Mahazon repeatedly
The injured Kiron was immediately sent to local health complex where the attending doctors declared him dead. Police sent the body to morgue for autopsy, sources said.
