Youth shot dead by robbers

Chittagong Bureau :
A gang of armed robbers shot a youth to death during a robbery incident at Raojan upazila of the district on Monday night.
The victim was identified as Suman Das, a resident in Purba Binajuri area of the upazila. Two others were also injured in the incident. The injured Kallayan Barua and Titu Barua were admitted to a local hospital.
Sources said a gang of robbers numbering 20 to 25 entered the house of Jogendra Chowkidar in Purba Binajuri area and looted gold ornaments worth about Tk 2 lakh.
The robbers shot Suman in his lower abdomen and stabbed on head as the youth tried to resist the robbers. They left the spot at around 1:20 am after confirming Suman’s death. Being informed, Raojan police recovered the body on Tuesday morning from the spot and sent it to Chittagong Medical College and Hospital morgue for autopsy.
Police sources said a case was lodged in this connection but they could not held any person involved in the incident.