Youth Pavel murder, Tuhin walk to gallows


Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court yesterday sentenced a youth to death for killing one Sheikh Islam Pavel of Dhaka’s Shyampur area in 2018.
Additional Metro-poli-tan Sessions Judge of Dhaka Syeda Hafsha Jhuma delivered the verdict on Monday in presence of the convicts.
The death-row convict is Tuhin. His younger brothers Erfan and Rabbi were sentenced to life in prison, while Tuhin’s cousin Masum was sentenced to prison until death.
In addition to life imprisonment, Erfan and Rabbi were fined Tk 20,000 each. They would suffer another year in the prison in default to pay the fine. Masum and Tuhin were also fined Tk 50,000 each.
Tuhin was brought to the court from the jail before the verdict was delivered. Of the remaining convicts, Masum has been absconding, said Md Milan, a clerk of the court.
Victim Pavel and the convicts were residents of Shyampur’s Jurain area. Tuhin and Pavel were on poor terms as Tuhin used to harass Pavel’s sister, according to the case dossier.
“The convicts were smoking in the area on November 3, 2018 when Pavel asked them to leave. They got involved in an altercation over the incident. They issued death threats to Pavel and left the area.”
The convicts attacked Pavel when he was with his friends in Jurain around 10:30 pm that night. Pavel was critically injured in the attack and he was rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, where he died while he was under treatment.
Pavel’s father Monir Hossain filed the case with Shyampur Police Station of the city on the same day at night.
Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) SI Masud Khan charged the four suspects after investigation on December 2 of 2020.
