Youth Olympics Reshma finishes 10th in Weightlifting


Bangladeshi lifter Jahura Akhter Reshma finished 10th among the eleven lifters in the Women’s 48 kg of the 2nd Summer Youth Olympics Games Weightlifting held at International Expo Centre Hall in Nanjing, China on Sunday.
Reshma, the lone lifter of Bangladesh squad, lifted total 127 kg–55 kg in snatch and 72 kg in clean and jerk–to finish 10th in the event.
Huihua Jiang of host China clinched event’s gold medal lifting total 193 kg-88 kg in snatch and 105 kg in clean and jerk, Songgum Ri DPR Korea won the silver medal lifting total 165 kg-77 in snatch and 93 kg in clean and jerk while Rebeka Koha Latvia took the bronze medal lifting also 165 kg-86 kg in snatch and 90 kg in clean and jerk.
Bea Ovia of Papua New Guinea was in the bottom among eleven competitors lifting total 114 kg-51 kg in snatch and 63 kg in clean and jerk.
Out of 28 disciplines of sports in the Youth Olympics, Bangladesh competes in five disciplines –Shooting, Swimming, Archery, Hockey and Weightlifting.
A 23-member contingent represents Bangladesh in the Youth Olympics.
