Youth hacked to death in Rajshahi


UNB, Rajshahi :A young man was hacked to death by miscreants at Chandipur in the city early Tuesday.The deceased was identified as Ahsan Habib Apel,30, son of late Bakul of the area.Sources at Rajpara Police Station said a gang of miscreants attacked Apel in the area when he was returning home from his workplace early in the morning. At one stage, the attackers hacked him indiscriminately, leaving him dead on the spot. Police recovered the body and sent it to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital morgue for an autopsy. Sukhi Begum, mother of the deceased, alleged that their neighbor Gias’ s son Arif killed Apel over previous enmity. Gias and his son Arif went into hiding after the murder. A case was filed in this connection.
