Youth arrested over rapping handicapped in Mongla


Our Correspondent :
A young man named Nayan Mondol of village Datter Meth within Mithakhali Union Parishad under Mongla Upazila in Bagerhat district was arrested by the police of Mongla PS on Saturday morning on the charge of committing a rape on a handicapped girl of the same village. The arrestee was sent to the jail hajat in the same morning through the court.
It is learnt from the police and a case registered with Mongla PS that on February 14 at noon while the victim handicapped girl of the same village was returning home alone from elsewhere debauched Nayan Mondol took her to his own residence after alluring her with sweetmeats and he committed rape with her forcibly there.
After returning home the victim girl disclosed the matter to her parents. But some local influential persons intervened into the matter and tried to kill thr time in the name of so-called arbitration.
At one stage when it became a viral through the social medias it became a matter of strong criticism.
