Youth allegedly tortured to death in police custody


Staff Reporter :
 A youth was allegedly tortured to death in police custody in Nawabganj of Dhaka on Tuesday afternoon, hours after he was arrested in connection with a murder.
The deceased was identified Mamun Hossain, 31, an auto-rickshaw driver.
Mamun was arrested in connection with a murder incident in Sreenagar of Munshiganj and later he was handed over to the Nawabganj police early Tuesday.
The victim’s cousin Monir Hossain alleged that sub-inspector Malek and SI Mizan tortured Mamun brutally in police custody which caused his death.
“Police secretly sent the body to Mitford Hospital morgue without informing us. Police is not even allowing us to see the body; rather they are trying to bury it by their own,” alleged Monir.
Officer-in-Charge of Nawabganj police station Shirajul Islam claimed that Mamun committed suicide by hanging himself inside the bathroom of the police station lockup.
The death took place two days after a youth was allegedly tortured to death in police custody in Sylhet.
OC Shirajul said that body of a young girl was recovered from a bush in Nawabganj on Sunday. Mamun was accused in the murder case and local people beat him up and handed him over to the Sreenagar police.
He was then handed over to the Nawabganj police early Tuesday.
Mamun hanged himself with his lungi on Tuesday afternoon inside the bathroom of the police lockup, the OC claimed. The body’s inquest report was prepared by an executive magistrate and it was sent to Mitford Hospital morgue for post-mortem examinations, the OC added.
