Young girl found hanging in Satkhira

UNB, Satkhira :
Police recovered the hanging body of a young girl from a diagnostic center at Palashpole in Sadar upazila on Wednesday.
The deceased was identified as Tamanna Khatun, 21, daughter of Selim Gazi of Kolijoga village in Kaliganj upazila.
Sub-inspector Pradip Das of Sadar Police Station said Abu Syed, the compounder of Dr Kazi Arif Ahmed of Nahar Diagnostic Center, had developed love affair with Tamanna.
On Tuesday, Tamanna came to the chamber to meet Syed and asked him to marry her.
As Aby Syed refused to marry Tamanna, she committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling of the chamber, said police.
On information, police recovered the body and sent it to local hospital morgue for autopsy.