Young generation must be protected from drug addiction

MAGURA: An orientation programmes on Vitamin A plus campaign of journalists was held at Magura Sadar Hospital's conference room on Wednesday.
MAGURA: An orientation programmes on Vitamin A plus campaign of journalists was held at Magura Sadar Hospital's conference room on Wednesday.
BSS, Rajshahi :
Crimes-free society, particularity free from terror-attack, extremism, militancy and drug addiction, must be restored at any cost to protect people and the young generation in particular from deadly consequences of the crimes.
To attain the cherished goal, the law enforcing agencies and the community people should have to work together as law enforcers alone isn’t capable to overcome the crises.
Discussants made these observations while addressing a law and order and anti-drug-addiction meeting held at Panchabati area under Boalia Police Station in the city on Thursday afternoon.
Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) organized the meeting with the main thrust of encouraging and motivating the people towards freeing the society from various crimes.
Md Shafiqul Islam, Commissioner of RMP, attended and addressed the
function as the chief guest saying the community people and the parents in particular should take the responsibilities of protecting the young generation from becoming involved in crimes. with Deputy Commissioner (West) Nahidul Islam in the chair, Senior
Assistant Commissioner of RMP Golam Saklayen, Officer-in-Charge of Boalia Model Police Station Shahadat Hossain Khan, Ward Councilors of Rajshahi City Corporation Arman Ali and Shahnaz Begum Shikha and former Councilor Anwar Kamal also spoke.