Yoga can heal, but also hurt

Certain asanas of yoga involve direct bending of the spine in seated or long-standing position without bending of knees. This, in turn, puts a direct load on the spine and creating tension on ligaments leading to severe disc prolapses and hip joint disorders

Weekend Plus Desk :
Yoga is a great healer and contributor to improving strength, flexibility, and endurance, but wrong yoga poses can make your daily life difficult instead of easy, say experts. Minakshi Fullara, Chief Consultant, Physiotherapy, Aakash Healthcare, said
overdoing it or doing it in the wrong
manner can lead to acute injuries, chronic pain, overuse strain and a hamstring pull.
So, always consider postural alignment,
biomechanical stresses on joints and soft
tissues and functional anatomical position while practising any yogic asana. Wrist injuries are other most common things to
happen when the certain posture of yoga demand support from the wrist.
Rotator cuff injuries are common to occur
if the biomechanical alignment is not
appropriate while practising body weight on arms, resulting in excessive strain on
rotator cuff muscles and thus, affecting shoulder dynamics. To avoid these injuries: Get yourself assessed thoroughly by a physical therapist for your flexibility, core strength, joint mobility and learn properly before
performing; respond to your body, if it
signals to pain or stress.
*Yoga expert Deepak Jha has also pointed out a few health problems that you might
face if you are performing certain yoga
pose wrongly.
* Backaches and slip disc: Yoga poses like Bharadvajasana, Bitilasana, Marjaryasana and much other yoga poses help you ease your back pain and back problems. If done
incorrectly, it can create reverse effect.
* Ankle sprain: Yoga poses like Ardha Chandrasana, Malasana and Supta Virasana put pressure on your ankles. If done in an incorrect manner, they can injure your
ankles severely.
* Stiff neck, sprain and pain in the neck: Yoga asanas like Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II and Kapotasana require the involvement of neck.
These poses require you to bend and twist your neck and if you make a mistake while practising these, you can suffer from a stiff neck and sprain and pain in the neck.
* Muscle pulls: Your muscle can be pulled in most of the yoga poses if your body
flexibility is not that strong enough. n