Yemen talks end without ceasefire, air strikes hit Republican Guards

Yemenis observe the wreckage a day after five bombings targeting Shiite mosques and offices hit the capital Sanaa
Yemenis observe the wreckage a day after five bombings targeting Shiite mosques and offices hit the capital Sanaa
Reuters, Geneva :
U.N.-sponsored talks in Geneva on a ceasefire between Yemen’s warring parties ended on Friday without a deal as Saudi-led warplanes staged further strikes on the dominant Houthi armed faction and allies including elite Republican Guards.
More than 2,800 people have been killed since an Arab alliance began air raids on March 26 to try to roll back the Iranian-backed Houthis’ advances across much of Yemen and reinstate exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
U.N. special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said that in five days of “proximity talks” – in which he shuttled between factions who refused to sit at the same table – the two sides agreed in principle on the need for a ceasefire and withdrawal of forces in keeping with U.N. Security Council Resolution 2216.
“There is a certain willingness from all the parties to discuss issues around a ceasefire accompanied by withdrawal … I personally come out from these few days with a certain degree of optimism that we can achieve this (in further consultations) in the coming days,” he told a news conference in Geneva.
“The (opposing) positions that as you know have been so strong in view of so many lives having been lost and where a government that is internationally recognized is outside the country. A lot of things didn’t make it easy for us.”
He said he would fly to New York on Sunday to brief the U.N. Security Council, where major powers also needed to sign off on his proposal for a force of civilian observers to monitor any truce and withdrawals on the ground.
Hadi’s foreign minister, Reyad Yassin Abdullah, said the talks made no significant headway but there was room for more discussions, although no date had been scheduled for any.
“Unfortunately the Houthi delegation did not allow us to really reach all progress as we expected … But it doesn’t mean that we have failed,” he told reporters.
Hadi’s government has demanded that the Houthis, who are allied with Yemeni military units loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, pull out of cities captured since last September as a precondition for a ceasefire.