Yemen rebels accept Saudi Arabia`s ceasefire proposal

Fighters loyal to Yemen's Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi patrol a main street in the Dar Saad suburb of the southern port city of Aden.
Fighters loyal to Yemen's Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi patrol a main street in the Dar Saad suburb of the southern port city of Aden.

Agencies, Cairo :Houthi fighters in Yemen accepted on Sunday a five-day humanitarian ceasefire proposed by adversary Saudi Arabia but warned they would respond to any violations.Neighbouring Saudi Arabia had said on Friday that the ceasefire could begin on Tuesday if the Houthi militia agreed to the pause.Supported by the United States, a Saudi-led coalition began air strikes against the Houthis and army units loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh on March 26 with the aim of restoring the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The Houthis say their campaign is aimed at fighting al Qaeda militants and to combat corruption.”Any military violation of the ceasefire from al Qaeda and those who stand with it and support it and fund it will be responded to by the army and security and the popular committees,” Colonel Sharaf Luqman,spokesperson for the Houthi-allied army, said in a statement published by Saba news agency.A Houthi statement issued late on Saturday said they would deal “positively” with any efforts to lift the suffering of the Yemeni people, a sign that they would accept the ceasefire.Houthis also asked for a political dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations to resume in order to resolve the conflict.The ceasefire, which was set to allow time for donors to coordinate aid supplies, is due to come into force at 11 p.m. (2000 GMT) on Tuesday.International concern about the humanitarian situation has grown as the strikes have killed more than 1,300 people, sent locals fleeing from their homes and destroyed infrastructure – leading to shortages of food, medicine and fuel.The Houthis’ acceptance of a truce follows intensified coalition bombing of Houthi strongholds in Yemen’s north since Friday night, when Riyadh called on civilians to evacuate the province of Saada, a northern city where support for Houthi rebels is strongest.Warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition on Sunday targetted the residence of Yemen’s former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in three airstrikes, following a night of intensive strikes against rebel positions, witnesses said.Two air raids struck Saleh’s house in central Sanaa, witnesses added.The country’s news agency Khabar said the former president is believed to be outside the capital and his family were unhurt.Saleh, who stepped down in February 2012 following a year of deadly nationwide protests against his three-decade rule, is accused of siding with Shia Houthi insurgents who have rebelled against UN-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.Troops still loyal to Saleh have fought alongside the rebels, who overran the capital unopposed in September and have since extended the areas under their control.Meanwhile, renegade Yemeni troops who helped Shiite rebels to seize much of the country said Sunday that they had accepted a Saudi proposal for a ceasefire after more than six weeks of air strikes.The announcement came as Saudi-led warplanes hit the Sanaa residence of ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is accused of orchestrating the alliance between the renegade units and the rebels. There was no immediate word from the Huthi rebels themselves on whether they too had accepted Saudi Arabia’s offer of a five-day pause from Tuesday in the devastating air war it has led in support of exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.
