Yami Gautam writes about her trip to Krabi

Trip to the world of beautiful sunsets! Acting is my first love and travelling comes a close second by a mere difference of an inch. The chance to see the unseen and delve into the unexplored makes both acting and travelling exciting. Thailand, to me, had previously meant shooting in Bangkok, but this visit further opened up and changed my opinion of the country as I explored it; As far as life defining experiences go – the mesmerising sunsets of Krabi makes the top of my list. How is one to resist the beautiful hues of blue, pink, purple, yellows and oranges that the sky makes possible each day?
Being a spectator of dawn and dusk is truly magical; add to it, a dip in the blue waters just as clear and reflective of the sky above which only gets better with the silence and intermittent gushing of the wind. The experience of it all fused as one is incredible, such that it teleported me to a state of mind that could only be described as a vacation while at work, and the occurrence of that is truly rare.