X`mas today


The Christian community of the country will celebrate Christmas today (Friday) as elsewhere across the world, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.Christmas, the biggest religious festival of the Christian community, is the celebration of rebirth, new beginning, forgiveness and peace, and renewing relationship with God and human beings. Decoration of Christmas trees with colourful lights, special prayers, distribution of gifts among children and exchange of pleasantries will be the main features of the day’s festivities. Christmas carols and hymns will be sung before and after the prayer sessions at the churches.President Abdul Hamid will accord a reception to the Christian community members at Bangabhaban at 11:15am on the occasion.Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar along with private TV channels and radio stations will broadcast special programmes while national dailies will publish supplements highlighting the significance of the day.Meanwhile, President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia have issued separate messages greeting the Christian community on the occasion.
