Xi Jinping invites SKorea joint effort on Japan’s wartime past


Reuters, Seoul :
China and South Korea share a common past and concern related to Japan’s colonialism and invasion in the early 20th century and must work together to establish a correct view on history, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday.
The comments came as he met with the speaker of South Korean parliament, as the two countries’ ties with Japan are tested by what they see as Tokyo’s failure to atone for its occupation of the two countries before the end of World War Two.
“China and South Korea have similar experience in history and shared interest on the issue of history related to Japan,” Xi said, adding their two assemblies have worked effectively seeking a sincere apology from Japan.
“In China, there is a saying, ‘Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future,'” Xi said while meeting with Speaker Chung Ui-hwa of South Korea.
Chinese media reported Xi proposed to hold joint anniversary events with South Korea next year to mark its victory over Japan and then-united Korea’s liberation in 1945, when he met South Korean President Park Geun-hye in Seoul.
