Xi Jinping assumed responsibility for meeting challenges

CHINA’S ruling Communist Party on Sunday has set the stage for President Xi Jinping to continue in office over the constitutional limit for two terms. It sounds like continuation for an indefinite period. This landmark decision is not going to have a mere political effect on China but all around the world. Since President Xi will be in power for an indefinite period, he will singularly dominate many geopolitical aspects of Asia and African countries where Chinese political influence and massive development assistance are at work.

Xi Jinping has finally achieved his ultimate goal when he first embarked on Chinese politics – that is to reappear as Mao tse tung of the 21st Century – and now he is practically second to Mao on all terms. However, in Mao, much of the world missed the global leadership attributes that Mr Xi will be able to fulfil now as new world leader. Xi has challenging tasks ahead. Spot on this point Xi Jinping will have to establish glaring examples in all forms of leadership – domestic, regional and global.

His leadership speech on October 17, 2017 at the conference of the National Congress of Communist Party of China; which convenes in every five years to elect new leader was clearly indicative of his assertive political aims. On that occasion he had mainly emphasized as his main policy objective to transform China into a socialist country from communist one. And the second is to build China as a global economic powerhouse.


His timing was related to many recent critical changes at global level. The isolationist policy of US President Donald Trump from global leadership left many things now to desired from China as a global leader. And secondly massive reduction of US development assistance and its withdrawal from major global free trade system has left the vacuum for China to fill up the void. Xi has announced his ‘one belt one road’ programme for Asia and African countries and now touting his leadership to meet new global expectations.

But what remains to be seen is whether his indefinite continuation in power will smoothly work without challenges. Moreover, what may be good for China may not be good for others in the region. Such example may only encourage authoritarian leaders in the region to ignore peoples demand for restoration of democracy and rule of law.  
