X-mas celebrated with festive mood

Barisal Correspondent :
Christmas was celebrated with great enthusiasm and socio-religious flavor with festive mood in Barisal city on Sunday.
More than 20 thousand members of the three major Christian sects of the city amid tight security measures gallantly celebrating their biggest religious and socio-cultural festival from early Sunday.
The festivities started with children fair at churches on Saturday afternoon to ensure the attendances of the special ceremonies with singing carols, special church prayers, and discussion meetings.
Besides the six Christian Churches of the city, Mother Teresa’s Home, Christian religious training center, Care, Caritas, YMCA, YWCA and other Christian Institutions have arranged different types of programs including visits and special prayers at the graveyards.
The churches and adjoining grounds decorated with colorful tiny blinking lights and illuminated Christmas trees placed with a star standing right on top.
Besides, Santa Claus handed over Christmas gifts to the children, family gatherings took place and Christmas-Day feasts.
To ensure peaceful celebrations of Christmas, security beefed up in the city.
The police and the Rapid Action Battalion personnel have been deployed to ensure safety in and around the churches and Christian populated areas.
Barisal Betar and cable operators of Barisal also aired special programs on the occasion of holy Christmas as ‘Shuva Baro Din’.
A number of organizations and individuals threw parties, featuring Christmas carols, games, dance shows and Christmas cakes in the Christian populated houses, colonies and areas of the city and district.
Besides special religious prayer, inter-religious discussion meetings, exhibition and drama on the life of the Holy Christ, cultural functions, sports, social and family gatherings, decoration of the Christian religious, socio-cultural organisations, graveyards, houses with lights, colorful balloons, paintings, were arranged on this occasion.
BSS from Narayanganj adds: Members of the Christian community here yesterday celebrated the holy Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, amid joy and jubilation.
In observance of the day, the authority of the St. Paul’s Church at 135 B.B Road of Chashara chalked out programmes which included prayer in praise of Jesus Christ and his mother Merry, decoration of Christmas tree and crib, Christmas carol, recitation from the Bible and cutting of Christmas cake.
A prayer was held inside the decorated church at 8.30am.
Several hundred Christians including male, female and children participated in the prayer in praise of Jesus Christ and his mother Merry. Father Augustine Amole Rosario led the prayer.
A special prayer was offered for world peace as well as peace and prosperity of Bangladesh and for long life of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
The Christmas carol over, the father cut Christmas cake to pieces and distributed among the devotees. They hugged each other saying “Happy Christmas”.
The St. Paul Church was profusely illuminated.
A large number of Police and RAB were deployed in front of the Church. Police Super Moinul Haq visited the church. Similar programmes were chalked out at Charargope Baptist Church on the occasion.