X-mas celebrated

UNB, Dhaka :
The Christian community of the country celebrated Christmas on Thursday with pledges to work for peace and humanity following the ideals of Jesus Christ.
Christmas, the biggest religious festival of the Christian community, is a celebration of rebirth, new beginning, forgiveness and peace, and renewing relationship with God and humans.
Decoration of Xmas trees with colourful lights, special prayers, distribution of gifts among the children by Santa Claus and exchange of pleasantries were the main features of the day’s festivities.
To ensure peaceful celebration of Christmas, security in the capital and many
other places of the country was beefed up with Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and police on alert at different strategic points.
In the capital, Christians visited churches where special arrangements were made to mark the day. Children’s programmes were also arranged in different city hotels.
Christmas carols and hymns were sung before and after the prayer sessions at the churches.
Cakes and Christmas feasts were arranged at hotels and the houses of the Christians on the occasion.
President Abdul Hamid accorded a reception to the members of Christian community at Bangabhaban on the occasion.
Archbishop of Bangladesh Patrick D Rozario, ambassadors and representatives from different foreign missions, distinguished persons of the Christian community, religious leaders and professionals joined the reception.
The day was a public holiday.
President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia issued separate messages greeting members of the Christian community on the occasion.
Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar along with private TV channels and radio stations broadcasted special programmes while national dailies published supplements highlighting the significance of the day.