WTO appeals panel sides with China in US anti-dumping duties row


AFP, Geneva :
The World Trade Organization strengthened its support yesterday for China in a final ruling in a dispute over punitive duties imposed by the United States on a range of Chinese products.
A WTO appellate body upheld a panel ruling from July that Washington had “acted inconsistently” with global rules when it imposed extra import duties on a number of Chinese products.
The United States has slapped additional tariffs on products ranging from paper to tyres, magnets, chemicals, kitchen fittings and solar panels, arguing they were being dumped on its market to help Chinese companies grab business.
The July ruling charged that the US duties had “nullified or impaired benefits accruing to China”.
“We recommend that the United States bring its measures into conformity with its obligations,” that ruling added.
China said at the time that the annual export value of the affected products was around $7.2 billion.
Thursday’s appeals body ruling went even further in its support for China.
