WTO announces agenda for Fifth Global Review

BSS, Dhaka :
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) announced the agenda for the Fifth Global Review of Aid for Trade to be held from 30 June to 2 July at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
This year’s event, entitled “Reducing Trade Costs for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth”, will focus on how trade costs affect developing countries’ competitiveness and their ability to connect to regional and global value chains, a WTO press release said on Thursday.
The Review will bring together more than 30 ministers from developed and developing countries, over 25 head of international agencies and regional organisations, representatives from private sector companies and associations, and trade and development experts.
The participants will discuss what actions are being taken by various parties to help developing countries and least-developed countries (LDCs) overcome the challenges and constraints they face in reducing trade costs and how Aid for Trade can assist in this process.
A joint OECD-WTO publication will also be launched at the Review, which will focus on how high trade costs continue to act as a brake on the economic growth and development of many developing countries.
The publication will contain an analysis of more than 200 replies submitted by businesses, developing country governments, regional organisations, donors, developing country partners, regional economic communities and academia in over 100 countries in response to a monitoring and evaluation exercise.
A series of other publications and reports will be launched across the three-day event, which comprises 18 plenary sessions and 28 side events. Among the events, a round table would be on South-South cooperation, focusing on infrastructure development and upgrading – a constraint that developing countries consistently rank as highest among the factors limiting their participation in global trade.