Worrying data on illegal buildings in the capital


DHAKA has been facing massive water-logging as many buildings in the capital have been constructed through violation of rules and grabbing of water-bodies and canals. Negligence of the relevant authorities and political influence are behind the rules violation and canal grabbing, though we see city mayors after election conducting serious drives to evict the grabbers. The influential quarters, mostly political people, who construct buildings by encroaching canals influence land officials to change the records and legalize illegal occupation. We think, political commitment, strong enforcement of laws, regular drives, awareness about building rules and planned urbanisation can help develop a liveable city.
In 2018, a survey conducted by Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Rajuk) revealed that over 66% of the buildings in Dhaka were constructed illegally. Of the 195,376 buildings, covered under the survey problems were found with 131,583 buildings. Of the 8730 buildings under construction that were surveyed, designs of 3342 buildings were found to be faulty. Rajuk must realise that people’s lives are at stake and properly identify the risky buildings. Additionally, Dhaka has already been identified as one of the cities vulnerable to earthquakes of high magnitudes – a natural disaster that generally turns weak structures into rubbles in the blink of an eye. After identification of the risky structures, the government should take steps to either demolish or retrofit the structures as per expert suggestions as soon as possible. The authorities concerned must realise that a tendency of foot-dragging in implementing such decisions could turn out to be fatal.
Rajuk is the authority who allows the realtors and building owners to violate the rules approving faulty building designs. Rajuk must end the double standard role in okaying compromised designs and knock down the buildings constructed with such designs. We think, there should be a clear separation of power between Rajuk and the city authority in approving building designs and inspecting under-cons truction buildings. Otherwise the gaps in the constriction of building will never be reverted.
