Worldwide Overcoming Poverty & Weaknesses


Golam Ashraf :
1. After Second World War with the establishment of United Nations headquarters at UN Plaza, New York, USA and correspondingly completion of the Pentagon, the headquarters of US Department of Defence and at that time the largest office building in the world with highest number of telephone sets installed at Arlington, USA. Next, from 1946 onWard the United States of America and Soviet Union with the seat of power at Kremlin, the allied forces of the World War II started vying each other for bringing into its fold one after another the newly gained independent nations around the World.
2. The executive, judiciary and legislative branches of the US government was further strengthened and it was decided in the successive meetings of the US National Security Council (NSC) that the circumference of the earth is 25,000 miles and therefore US coast to coast distance of 3,000 miles would remain for operations and enforcement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) US Department of Justice and rest comprising land and water of 22,000 miles across the globe would come under the surveillance and reporting to the US President, National Security Council (NSC) and at the hearings of Senators and Congressmen by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
3. In the US Capitol Hill it was decided that the ideology ‘democracy’ would be propagated in every member-state of the UN with a scheme to patronise the political party leaders and followers, media personalities, religious groups, civil servants, police and armed forces. Concurrently, the Soviet Union patronised the student and trade unions, cultural troupes, drama circles, circus companies, movie stars and film units, teachers, poets, book writers, painters and sculptors. The promotion, assisting and monitoring was then entrusted to their worldwide operating intelligence agency the KGB.
4. With the end of Ottoman Empire and surrender of Sultan Abdul Hamid II after First World War worldwide the Muslims felt humiliated and started Khilafat Movements in North Africa and South Asia but due to advancement of food processing, invention of textile flywheels and shuttles, steam engines, combustion engines, electrical and electronic technologies and medical science it became imperative for every Muslim person to earn instrument of exchanges i.e., the M1 the narrow money (currencies, cheques and pay orders) in greater numbers. The 73 sects of Muslims became further divided with the question of adoption of newly advanced technologies know how from the earlier rejected Jews and Christians at one hand and newly advent communists and atheists on the other hand.
5. The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) at Washington, DC the specialised agencies of the United Nations (UN) and later Asian Development Bank (ADB) at Manila, Philippine a specialised agency of Asean extended loans to many Islamic countries in Asia and Africa.
Unfortunately, the Muslim community could not progress with the interest bearing loans derived from these multilateral financial institutions. Moreover, during the ‘Cold War’ era several Islamic countries took sides with the two vying super powerful nations the USA and USSR and their allies and thereby incurring huge losses of lives, basket currencies of IMF and resources and consequently now Muslims across the world have become very poor and too weak !!!
Finally, all the Islamic countries of the world now have to print, issue and circulate sufficient number of their own non-convertible currencies and widely extend collateral and interest free loans (C&IFLs) to all their adult citizens of their nations and the loan amounts to be disbursed as per the requirements of the entrepreneurs so that eventually with higher growth of agricultural, poultry, fishery, dairy, orchard, electricity generating, textile, pharmaceutical, cottage and industrial products and relevant services the mental, physical and financial capacity of the Muslim community across the World would increase and strengthened.

(Golam Ashraf , Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212; email: [email protected])
