Attack in France: World must expose IS as anti-Islamic


The repeated involvement of persons bearing Muslim names in killing people — be it target killing in Bangladesh or in European countries is earning bad name for Islam which is a religion of peace and Muslims all over as a nation which produces killers and murderers.
The massacre of so many innocent people in the Riviera City of Nice during the French National Day celebration killing 84 including children and 52 more seriously injured showed once again how unsafe peaceful people are from Jihadists’ attacks in Europe and all over.
Moreover the Nice attack once again tainted the Muslims as fanatic people although the vast majority of the Muslims hate the so-called Jihadists as beast like dirty human beings who are misusing the Muslim names forcing all of us to share their unpardonable crimes. They are not Muslims at all.
The father of the killer driver said the killer had no link with religion and was suffering from depression. He was also violent to his estrange wife. One can also remember that the killer of Orlando nightclub — Omar Matin, an Afghan origin US citizen was a mental case and thousands of such killers thrives under the cover of other religions also. But killers are killers no matter mentally sick and sound or whether they are religious or not.
The global media is taking the identity of the killer first as a Muslim and then whatever reasons one may bring about is not enough to remove the blame when a section of global media is particularly working to depict Muslims in wrong ways.
The Islamic State (IS) group has claimed the responsibility of the attack on innocent people in Nice this time again. He drove a heavy truck into the crowd for over 2 km as people were on the peak of their celebration watching Bastille Day firework.
The action of the Tunisian born French national Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel now at 31 made the French people and the entire world mute by the scale of barbaric killing. The dead included Americans, Germans, Swiss, Ukrainians, Russians and many more nationalities, It appears that the killer has hit at its worst when the IS leaders are turning their guns on innocent people in Western cities, particularly in Europe at a time they are losing more ground in fights in Iraq and Syria.
It seems that the IS Jihadists are becoming panicked and also reckless as they are hitting one after another targets like attacks in Brussels and Istanbul airports and the latest being a Dhaka Café house killing score of people at every place.
The attack at Nice is the third such attacks on French cities in 18 months after the first attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine office in February 2014 that killed at least 13 including senior cartoonists. Then they attacked several Paris landmark places in November in that year killing at least 130 people. These attacks are constant reminder to the world about the danger that peaceful people are facing everywhere and our civilization is facing in a highly tense world.
Analysts in world electronic media like CNN believe that France is unique by its own socio-economic divisiveness as a highly polarized society where hatred and discrimination against African migrants are adding more unrest from within.
Most young people are watched locally as criminals and put to jail where they face brainwash from Jihadists serving long time jail sentence. These people entered jail as criminals but come out as Jihadist with a purpose to fight. In our view, militancy is growing in France as byproduct of its domestic politics like that in Bangladesh. IS and such other international outfit groups are taking advantage of it.
The Muslim leaders all over the world should get united against IS and expose its anti-Islam nature. But we expect the Western countries to help Muslims to expose IS and other Jihadist forces as anti-Muslim financed by anti-Islamic forces to serve against Muslim interests.
