World must do more to compel Myanmar to take back Rohingyas

The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution condemning human rights abuses against Muslim Rohingyas and other minorities in Myanmar, reports BBC online. The resolution also calls on Myanmar to stop the incitement of hatred against the Rohingyas and other minorities. Thousands of Rohingya were killed and more than 700,000 fled to neighbouring Bangladesh during an army crackdown in the Buddhist-majority country in 2017. Myanmar insists it was tackling an extremist threat.
Unfortunately these UN Resolutions are a dime a dozen — many such Resolutions have been passed in the past — but Myanmar do not care. It can be said that these Resolutions are passed but they cannot be effective due to the veto power of China and Russia.
Though such inhuman treatment to Muslim Rohingyas as butchering and throwing them out of their country is certainly genocide, but that is not relevant for sufferings of about 11 lakh Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
Certainly Myanmar is not significant power for ignoring the UN resolutions. On such an inhuman situation the difference of big power politics is an obstruction. There should be respect for justice and humanity among the big powers.
Russia and China have steadfastly supported Myanmar throughout its massive human rights destruction against the Rohingyas. Big powers are not expected to make people helpless people suffer not for their politics. All the big powers are committed to respect international law and human rights as members of the UN.
Whether Myanmar is found guilty or not for genocide for the international community to decide, the human miseries of the thrown out Rohingyas from their own country should be more urgently taken up. Myanmar is also punishing Bangladesh by forcing the Rohingyas to Bangladesh and creating a huge problem for Bangladesh. Bangladesh cannot think everything is normal between Myanmar and Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh also feel — the world including their friends are not doing enough.