World must be ready to destroy Assad to save humanity

A NERVE gas attack in rebel-held northwestern Syria on Tuesday killed dozens of civilians including children and left many more sick and gasping causing widespread outrage at global level. The barbaric attack on the town of Khan Sheikhun left at least 58 civilians dead while dozens suffer respiratory problems and symptoms including vomiting, fainting and foaming at the mouth as international news media reported.

Syrian aircrafts dropped the sarin nerve gas in bombardment in the rebel-held town but Russia blamed the rebels for it and said it would publicly stand by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad despite outrage over the banned chemical weapons attack. The latest tragedy has set Donald Trump’s new US administration on a course of head-on diplomatic collision with Moscow as people wonder how he (President Trump) would deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin to whom he is too such supportive.

Washington, Paris and London have drawn up a draft UN Security Council statement condemning the attack and demanding an investigation. But Russia has the power to veto it, as it used previously. They would protect Assad from being harm internationally. It is a pity that Russia is protecting killer Assad blocking every move to put him on trial for crimes against humanity. So far every UN move has failed to end war or restraint Assad from more and more killing because of Russian backing.


The Syrian civil war now in its six-year has so far killed over four lakhs people and left several millions as homeless refugees looking for shelter in Europe and elsewhere. It is already a curse for humanity and shame on the civilized world as to why they are tolerating such a bloodthirsty despot aided by Russian killing machine from the air and on the ground. Assad has no feeling for human life and yet the Trump administration is now signaling that they no longer insist for his removal from power. Such policy is indicative of Trump administration’s acquiesce of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s position in Syria; which means peace may remain illusive for many years to come while killing will continue until Assad will finish all his people. .

President Obama was on the verge of bombing Syria in 2013 when the regime forces had similarly used nerve gas killing innumerable people. But Russian mediations destroying Assad’s chemical stockpile averted the danger and saved Assad as Obama administration decided to continue in the sideline.
Whatever others say Trump’s ‘America First’ policy is no hope for facing Russia in punishing Assad regime to save the Syrians from crimes against humanity. Besides, President Trump is a Muslim hater. The free world must know that mere expressing outrage is most unkind if nothing is done to destroy the killer of humanity. Please listen to the call of Syrian children to stop the war and save them.
