World Milk Day tomorrow

Tareen Rahman :
The 16th World Milk Day will be observed tomorrow in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the world to pay special attention on milk as a global nutritious food for improving the nutritional status of people, particularly children.
Theme of the World Milk Day 2015 is, “Milk is the First Food for Human”. The targeted groups for this day are elderly, women, children, youths, and the sport
professionals for overcoming health problems arising due to lack of milk in their daily diet.
To mark the day, Milk Vita will distribute milk among the under privileged as they did in the past in the city. Representative of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Bangladesh and Milk Vita and FAO Representative in Bangladesh will grace the occasion.
Observed for the first time in 2001,the day provides an opportunity to focus attention on milk and to highlight the importance of milk as highly nutritious food and excellent source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.
The speakers said people should be made aware of importance of milk as nutritious food for fighting malnutrition in the country. Milk production doubled in last 13 years in Bangladesh and yearly per capita consumption of milk has also been increased from 2001 to 2015.
On this day, the world bodies aim at educating the communities on what pertains to the milk with respect to its sources, nutritional elements, its significance in terms of preventing from the diseases and maintaining the health.
 The messages for this day are: Identifying the nutritional value for the milk and its products, familiarizing with the daily need of the milk and its products for the community groups, knowing the milk substitutes and derivatives and providing incentive means for serving and drinking the milk.
The day provides an opportunity to focus attention on milk and to publicize activities connected with milk and the milk industry. The fact that many countries choose to do this on the same day lends additional importance to individual national celebrations and shows that milk is a global food.
History says that, FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) was asked to propose a specific day on which all aspects of milk could be celebrated.
This date was chosen because a number of countries were already celebrating a national milk day on or around this time.
May was originally proposed, but some countries, for example China, felt they already had too many celebrations in that month. While most countries hold their celebrations on 1st June, some choose to hold them a week or so before or after this date.