130 more Rohingyas sent back: World leaders urged to put pressure on Myanmar


Staff Reporter :
Speakers at a roundtable discussion on Sunday called upon the World community as well as Bangladesh to put pressure on the Myanmar government with a view to stopping genocide in Rakhine state of that country.
Myanmar is our neighbouring country. India helped us during the Liberation War in 1971 with men and materials. Bangladesh also should do the same. The World community can play an important role to end the atrocity, they said.The speakers said this at a roundtable discussion titled “Genocide on Rohingya in Myanmar: Initiative of Bangladesh” held in the VIP Lounge of the National Press Club on Sunday. Ganosanghati Andolon organised the programme.
Professor Abul Quashem Fazlul Hoque of Dhaka University, Columnist Abul Moksud, Professor Swapon Adnan, Professor Tanjimuddin Khan of Dhaka University, Coordinator of Ganosanghati Andolan Junaid Saki, senior leader of Bangladesh Somajtantrik Dal Shubhragshu Chakrabarty, General Secretary of Ganotantrik Biplobi Party Moshrefa Mishu, senior leader of Bangladesh Somajtantrik Andolan Hamidul Hoque and General Secretary of United Communist League of Bangladesh Mosharraf Hossain spoke the programme, among others.
Professor Abul Quashem Fazlul Hoque said, no initiative has been taken by the Novel Laureate in Myanmar, but she got the prize for peace. She also opposed the Rohingya directly.
Professor Fazlul Hoque suggested the government to permit the Rohingya to enter the country so that Bangladesh can return them after the crackdown ends.
He said, the people of Bangladesh are surprised at the role of the world community over the Myanmar incident. It should play a pivotal role to stop the holocast in the Rakaine state of Myanmar.
Columnist Abul Moksud said, “Bangladesh should press the Myanmar government to stop the atrocities on Rohingyas on humanities ground. “Don’t forget we were refuges during our Liberation War and India helped us. So it is our duty to raise our voices for Rohingyas.”  
Meanwhile, the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) on Sunday sent back at least 130 Rohingyas who fled Myanmar in the face of ongoing crackdown in Rakhine state.
BGB personnel prevented the trespassing at two different points of the Naf River on Sunday morning.
 “We conducted a drive at two different points of the river and pushed back at least 130 Rohingyas boarded on 13 boats,” said Teknaf 2 BGB Commander Lt Col Abujar Al Zahid.
Hundreds of Rohingya Muslims tried to cross into Bangladesh illegally after Myanmar troops launched a crackdown in Rakhine state.
Bangladesh has stepped up security along its border with Myanmar to prevent influx of Rohingyas fleeing violence in Rakhine state that has killed unknown number of people and displaced 30,000 others.
