World leaders condemned London terror attack

BBC Online :
World leaders have condemned Saturday’s London terror attack which left seven people dead and more than 30 injured.
President Emmanuel Macron said France, which had four citizens injured in the attack, was more than ever at Britain’s side.Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull said his “prayers and resolute solidarity” were with the British people. One Australian was in hospital and another was affected by the attack, Mr Turnbull said.
US President Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday evening: “Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the UK, we will be there – WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!”
Mr Trump also called for his travel ban on visitors from six predominantly Muslim countries to be upheld by US courts, where it is being challenged. Mr Macron was one of the first world leaders to react to the events.
“In the face of this new tragedy, France is more than ever at Britain’s side. My thoughts go out to the victims and their loved ones.” Four French citizens were injured in the attack, one seriously, French officials said.
Security measures were being “reinforced” so that French citizens in London would be able to vote in the first round of the country’s parliamentary elections this Sunday, the French news agency AFP reported.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement (in German): “Today we are united across borders in horror and mourning, but also in determination.
“For Germany, I reiterate that in the fight against all forms of terrorism, we are resolutely at Britain’s side.”