World leaders condemn Manchester concert attack

World leaders expressed shock and horror on Tuesday after the suicide bombing in Manchester, noerthwest England which killed at least 22 people, including children.
Here are some of the reactions:
Britain –
Prime Minister Theresa May called it an “appalling terrorist attack” and suspended her campaign ahead of a general election on June 8, as did the chief opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn.
“All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those who have been affected,” May said.
Labour Party chief Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: “Terrible incident in Manchester. My thoughts are with all those affected and our brilliant emergency services.”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced “sorrow and horror”, adding: “This suspected terrorist attack will only strengthen our resolve to work with our British friends against those who plan and execute such inhuman acts. I assure the people in Britain: Germany stands by your side.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was ready to increase anti-terror cooperation with Britain after “this cynical, inhuman crime.”
“We expect that those behind it will not escape the punishment they deserve,” he said. French President Emmanuel Macron voiced “horror and shock” and said he planned to speak to the British prime minister. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said it was an example of “the most cowardly terrorism” that was aimed “specifically and knowingly” at young people.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the attack was “especially vile, especially criminal, especially horrific because it appears to have been deliberately directed at teenagers.”
He added: “This is an attack on innocents. Surely there is no
crime more reprehensible than the murder of children. This is a direct and brutal attack on young people everywhere, on freedom everywhere.”
United Nations chief Antonio Guterres expressed “his deep sympathy and solidarity to the people and government of the United Kingdom” and said he hoped “that those responsible for this unjustifiable violence will be swiftly brought to justice.”
Pope Francis said he was “deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the barbaric attack in Manchester,” and said he sought “God’s blessings of peace, healing and strength upon the nation.”
Prime Minister Mark Rutte said: “Terrible news from Manchester where a great evening ended in tragedy. Our thoughts are with the victims” of Spain.
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said: “I condemn the Manchester attack. My condolences to the families of the deceased and my fervent wishes that the wounded recover soon.”
Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni tweeted: “Italy joins forces with the British people and government. Our thoughts go out to the victims of the Manchester attack and their families.”
Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said: “Horrendous loss of innocent lives in #Manchester. Our thoughts and sympathy are with the British people.”
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Canadians are shocked by the news of the horrific attack in Manchester tonight. Please keep the victims & their families in your thoughts.”
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece said: “We express our solidarity to the British people and our support to the relatives of the victims. We are on your side.”
President Xi Jinping sent his condolences to Queen Elizabeth II, expressing “deep grief for the victims” and their families. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey said “I firmly condemn the terrorist attack,” adding that he shared “the pain of the British people.”