World As Expected After Covid-19


Covid-19 is fighting a different kind of war. The future of this war is unknown and uncertain. The whole world is terrified of this war. Although we have learned something through the efforts of the world’s scientific community, much remains in the dark. Our expectation is that it will make us aware of the limitations of our own knowledge. Now we need to think deeply about many important questions. Who are we as human beings? What do we mean by humanity? What is the purpose of our life? How should we treat each other? How can we find answers to such deep and important questions? We do not have the answers to all the questions. But as a conscious human being, it is our duty to share our vision and knowledge with people. Covid-19 will be combated by peoples’ afford and unity. Humanity and civilization will be illuminated by the teaching trend of history. Now question arises- would it be possible to overcome the crisis with the available resources, would future power and capabilities develop? As a review all these have been highlighted in context of pandemic covid-19’s social impact.
History has turned around after every epidemic. Human civilization has won the struggle for existence at the cost of many lives, guided the next generation on the path of enlightenment, settled the debt to the environment, distributed the resources equitably, passed as creatures every time. After the Bubonic Plague, the lives of the victors of the war improved, the ‘human mind’ gets relief after the evolution of slavery system. The invention of new world opens up the vastness of natural resources. A radical and fundamental change of economy in Europe has been brought which solidifies there capitalism later on. Humans are intelligent animals. Science and technology are strong. That said, there is no room for us to become arrogant. We are insignificant to the supernatural. So we have to keep the environment of the earth clean. We have to get along with other animals. We have to maintain goodwill among ourselves. Time and time again we forget that as living beings, human beings have to live together, fight against the microorganisms. We should not forget that human beings are one being, no one is isolated, and no one is different.
Despite the uncertainty we face, our future is bright, if we can prepare. When the United States was at the height of the Great Depression and millions of people were living in misery, the then-President Roosevelt brought hope to the people by saying, “Our only fear is fear.” This beautiful saying applies rightly today. We as human beings have gone through many misfortunes before. So we have no doubt that we will find a way out of this crisis. In order to overcome the obstacles, we have to prepare ourselves to make what we have to do a reality. Those who are young today will be at the forefront of this new journey.
Under no circumstances ignorance bring good. Unfortunately, we see in front of ourselves how thousands of people are losing their lives due to ignorance. How do we change that? We need to be truly educated. We don’t get educated just by having a degree. The ability to examine good and evil, the ability to analyze information and situations make decisions based on accurate information, truly the ornament of educated people. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. If those who have attained higher education are in a higher position in the society, if they do not hesitate to earn money through corruption, then it must be understood that they have not received proper education. Those who have received medical training with an oath to serve the patient, when he expresses inability to treat the corona patient, must understand that his education was not justified. By educating ourselves in the true sense, we have to enlighten others in the light of education, build a knowledge-based society. Raise awareness about science. Ignorance is dangerous. We need to rely on knowledge and wisdom to overcome the crisis and build a brighter future. The darkness of ignorance must be removed by lighting the torch of knowledge. Who will carry this torch of knowledge? That duty is on the young apprentices. Young people are our future. The future of humanity is in the hands of the youth. The needs of the youth are therefore essential to the new world.
The Covid-19 epidemic could hamper democratic progress around the world. Political leaders can use this epidemic as an excuse to use emergency power. Governments may be interested in implementing various ‘check and balance’ policies in the name of democracy to prevent crises. This epidemic could lead to a proliferation of trolls and a proliferation of fake news, revealing a tendency to deny the representation of professional skills and knowledge. The crisis could also reinforce widespread doubts about the reliability and legitimacy of established institutions, including public health, and the conspiratorial political parties may deliberately indulge in this debate. The corona pandemic has begun to expose the failures of the global capitalist system in protecting human natural dignity and rights. The conventional capitalist system is undermining the welfare state tradition and undermining the state’s ability to effectively manage public health. The global health sector is now under extreme pressure due to this epidemic due to the steps taken by the international financial regulators and the reduction of state aid to healthcare in the light of neo-liberal capitalist policies.
Everyone fears that the current recession will start in different countries of the world and those who are successful in that management will be able to live as long as possible. And those who can’t, they have to prepare like Africa, they have to live with Corona. The average life expectancy of people in many countries of the world will decrease in an alarming way. For some, the consequences can be even more devastating than imagined. Let’s try to keep pace with the new world after Covid-19. Mutual cooperation, equality, empathy, friendship and love – build new bonds. We establish the dream Bangladesh with determination, courage and enthusiasm. Our only goal will be to jump into action committed to giving the gift of a humane Bangladesh by weaving the web of new civilization. We must move forward to meet the goals of this future call.
(Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar VDP)
