World AIDS Day observed

Chittagong Bureau :
The World AIDS Day was observed yesterday in the port city as elsewhere in the division.To mark the day, rallies and discussions were organized by District Civil Surgeon Office, Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH), Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) and Health Directorate of Chittagong and other organizations.
Addressing the discussions, the speakers stressed the need for raising public awareness, avoiding unsafe sexual contact and unsafe blood transfusion for controlling the disease.
They urged all to abide by the social and religious norms to remain free from the disease.
A discussion was held at Chittagong Civil Surgeon Office with Civil Surgeon Dr Azizur Rahman Siddique in the chair.
Deputy Director of family planning Chittagong Dr Uk Sing Boby addressed the function as chief guest.
 Earlier, Chittagong Civil Surgeon Office brought a rally from Chittagong press club premises led by Civil Surgeon Dr Azizur Rahman Siddique. Doctors, social elite and NGO representatives were participated in the rally.