Workshop on sewerage service management in Rangpur


Staff Reporter, Rangpur :
An action plan has been formulated through ITN-BUET with the financial support of Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (DJTUC), an international donor organization led by Rangpur City Corporation (RCC) to create improved sewerage management facilities in the entire Rangpur city. A workshop was held at the RCC Conference Room on Thursday to share this action plan of waste management with the concerned stakeholders, implementation strategies and work schedule.
RCC Mayor Md. Mostafizur Rahman Mostafa spoke as the chief guest at the workshop. Professor Md. Ashraf Ali of Bangladesh University of Engineering presented the action plan and the participants shared their suggestions and opinions at the stakeholder level in the open discussion session. Welcoming remarks were made by Md. Emdad Hossain, Supervising Engineer.
RCC CEO Md. Ruhul Amin Miah presided over the workshop and Md. Habibur Rahman, Representative of DJTACH spoke. Md. Tanvir Ahmed.
Executive Engineer Azam Ali, Urban Planner Nazrul Islam, Journalist Abdur Rahman Mintu, Assistant Cleaning Officers, Honorable Councilor Bund and other officials, Department of Public Health Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering, OSP Bangladesh, local journalists, government and non-government organizations were present.
