Workshop on Rohingya issues begins

A Correspondent :
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communications (BNNRC) on Tuesday launched a two-day workshop titled ‘Fact Checking and Verification Techniques in News Reporting’ in Chattogram with the support of Internews Network.
The workshop emphasizes the issue of reporting on Rohingya crisis, a release of the BNNRC said.
Rohingyas influx in Bangladesh is becoming increasingly difficult and challenging for local journalists who are facing risks of covering sensitive news of the issue. The bigger challenge for them is maintaining neutrality and delivering balanced reports on the issue.
The workshop was organized to build capacity and enhance knowledge on preparing accurate news reports of the local journalists, with particular focus on Rohingya crisis.
A total of 24 journalists from print, electronic and online media are participating in the workshop.
Chris Stefan, a journalist working with The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom, is conducting the workshop while Country Director of Internews Network Syed Zain Al-Mahmood and Chief Executive Officer of BNNRC AHM Bazlur Rahman delivered speeches on the first day of the workshop.
Speaking as chief guest Divisional Commissioner of Chattogram Abdul Mannan said, “Journalists working in Chittagong are often required to travel to Cox’s Bazar for reporting on the Rohingya issue. They have to interact with development partner organisations in dealing with the crisis and it is worth mentioning that despite the difficulties in getting accurate information, the role of the talented local journalists has been praised to much extent, especially in the international media.”
Mannan also urged the participating journalists to explore the avenues of doing investigative reporting on the Rohingya issues.