Workshop on ‘Need Assessment Findings’ at DU

Campus Report :
A day-long national validation workshop on “Need Assessment Findings” for enhancing the quality of primary education in Bangladesh was held on Wednesday at IER building of Dhaka University. The Institute of Education and Research (IER) of Dhaka University organized the workshop. Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique inaugurated the workshop as chief guest.
Director of the IER Prof Md Jalal Uddin presided over the function while Additional Director General of Directorate of Primary Education Dr Md. Abu Hena Mostofa Kamal and Joint Secretary of the Government Sanjoy Kumar Chowdhury addressed it as special guests.
Prof Quazi Afroz Jahanara delivered welcome speech. Associate Prof Mohammad Nure Alam Siddique presented the key-note paper. Associate Prof Md. Alamgir Hossain conducted the program.
DU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique urged the primary teachers’ of the country to play an effective role to grow-up the elementary level students as patriotic, honest and worthy citizen. He stressed the need for ensuring the quality of primary level education and said quality enhancement in higher education is impossible without it. Therefore, Dhaka University authorities are working for development of primary level education as well as higher education, he mentioned. The VC called upon the students to build themselves worthy human being.
It may be mentioned that a total of 100 teachers’ from various educational institutions of the country participated in the workshop.