Workshop on mooting at RU

RU Correspondent :
A day workshop on mooting entitled “Case Analysis, Memorial Writing and Advocacy” was held at Rajshahi University on Thursday.
Rajshahi University Moot Court Society (RUMCS) organized the seminar held at the university deans’ complex conference room where about 200 hundred students of RU law department participated in the workshop.
RU Pro-vice chancellor Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan inaugurated the workshop addressing as chief guest in the opening session with Sadiqul Islam, assistant professor of law department and president of RUMCS in the chair. Addressing as guest speaker, Barrister Monzur Rabbi discussed about the case analysis and advocacy in his two separate sessions.
He taught the students the method of analysing the case and the quality of a good mooter. Prof Sadikul Islam presented his speech on memorial writing in third session.
A video clips on mooting also was showed in the session. Later, certificate awarding ceremony was held in the closing session where RU vice chancellor Prof Muhammad Mizanuddin addressed as chief guest.