Workshop on legal aid held in Narsingdi

Narsingdi Correspondent :
A workshop on the advancement of development, legal aid service of government and the role of print and electronic media on publicity and spreading was held at the conference room of district Judge court on Wednesday evening.
With the chair of District and Session Judge Narsingdi Mohammad Atabullah, Deputy Director Local Government Division Dr. Mahabub Karim, Senior Assistant Police Super Shariar Alam, former Principal of Narsingdi Government Collage prof. Golam Mustafa Miah, Senior Assistant Judge,Narsingdi and officer of district legal aid Mahar Nigar Shusana, District Information officer Nasima Khaton, Residential Medical officer of Narsingdi Sadar Hospital Dr. Amirul Hoque Shamim and former Secretary of Narsingdi Bar Association Adv Kazi Nazmul Hoque addressed the workshop organized by district legal aid committee.
The speakers said, poor and marginal people are taking legal support from the national legal aid programme free of cost and without facing any trouble.

They thanks the government for helping the poor people legal aid service free of cost. They also said Journalists of both print and electronic media can play a vital role in making the people informed of the success of the ongoing development programme.
Around thirty journalists of both print and electronic media and senior advocates participated in the workshop.
