Workshop on internet use for student held


Mobile phone operator Robi organised a workshop for the students of Cambrian College to make them know the effective use of internet.
More than 300 students and faculty members took part at three sessions in the workshop named “Internet4U” held at Cambrian’s Chittagong campus recently.
In addition to appraising the students about the safe and effective use of internet, the Internet4U sessions highlighted the importance of responsible online behavior.
Online education platforms like 10 Minute School were also introduced to the students as a measure of supporting the students with their studies.
Previously similar sessions were conducted in Amrita Lal Dey College at Barisal, University of Barisal, Daffodil University, Presidency University, South-East University, Jahangirnagar University, UCEP Bangladesh and in the Internet Corners set up by Robi at the Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna, Sylhet and Barisal divisional public libraries.
