Workshop on “English Debate, Public Speaking held at JnU


JnU Correspondent :
A workshop on “English Debate, Public Speaking and Communication” was held in the Department of English of Jagannath University on Wednesday.
JnU Vice-chancellor Professor Dr Mijanur Rahman was present in the programme as the Chief Guest, while English Department Chairman Professor Dr Abu Zafor attended as special guest.
Launching “English Department Debating Club (EDDC)”, VC Dr Mijan said, “Debate develops skills and knowledge that will help the debaters become elites and develop a civic and political identity. The students will develop a sense of ownership of the world and a sense of empowerment, as they will know specific global and domestic issues.”
English Department Associate Professor Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Associate Professor Tania Tahmina and Dr Momin Uddin, among others, also spoke in the programme.
Chaired by English Department Lecturer and EDDC Convener Kazi Arko Rahman, the programme was conducted by Shehrin Ataur Khan, Lecturer of the Department.
