Workshop on diseases of onion, remedy held in BARI


Gazipur Correspondent :
The Plant Pathology Division of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) arranged an inception workshop titled ‘Prevalence of Major Pre and Post-Harvest Diseases of Onion and their Management’ at the Seminar Room of the Institute on Thursday.
The daylong workshop, funded by the ‘Prevalence of Major Pre and Post-Harvest Diseases of Onion and their Management’ project of Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF), was attended by senior scientists from various divisions and centers of BARI and officials of KGF.
In the morning, BARI Director General Dr. Debasish Sarker inaugurated the workshop as chief guest. BARI Director (Research) Dr. Md. Tariqul Islam presided over the function while Executive Director of KGF Dr. Jibon Krishna Biswas attended as Guest of Honor.
BARI Director (Support & Services) Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Director (Planning & Evaluation) Dr. Rina Rani Saha, Senior Specialist (Field Crop) of KGF Dr. Nares Chandra Deb Barma and Director (Crops & Natural Resources) of KGF Dr. Md. Akkas Ali were present as special guests.
Chief Scientific Officer & Head of the Plant Pathology Division of BARI Dr. Md. Motiar Rahman gave the welcome address and Senior Scientific Officer of the division and Principal Investigator of the project Dr. M. Monirul Islam presented the keynote paper at the workshop.
